The goal of this project was to create a brand that challenges current packaging perceptions and pushes for environmental change. Apeel is a consulting agency that guides clients through the process of creating and refreshing their packaging. The Brand consists of a team of designers, engineers, and go-getters dedicated to helping connect their clients to 100% sustainable, biodegradable, beautiful packaging. The name “Apeel” was chosen as a combination of both “appeal” and “peel,” referencing both the call to action in regards to environmentally conscious packaging and the dedication to 100% biodegradable and compostable material, similar to the outer “packaging” of a fruit, the peel. This brand uses an orange as a metaphor for this concept. (2021)

Note: Group Project (Collaborators: Nicole Kieva, Olivia Gamart, Kenzie Kazdan)
My roles in this project include brand concept creation, identity design, presentation deck design, and applications.



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